Skull Leader

  • LordTouchMe posted an update in the group Group logo of Q/A & Help GroupQ/A & Help Group 8 years, 6 months ago

    Hello, im new to custom painting, i want to paint Nightingale but i’m wondering how i should start and what i’ll need to do to the paint before spraying it down.

    • Most people wash the runners before they start the building process. Personally I don’t. I snip the pieces of the runners, sort them by limbs, sand down the nubs and then do the washing as this gets rid of the dust from the sanding. Them I suggest getting a good plastic primer. You could do without, but for me in the past I noticed that paint…[Read more]

      • Do i need any kind of paint thinner for the paint, I want the model to have a darker color or something similar to a titanium finish. I know for a titanium finish the base color has to be a alclad silver and then a clear red on top.

        • u really only need thinner if your using an airbrush. with a spray can its just aim and shoot but with since ur using alclad paints im assuming ur using an airbrush so if u are then for alclad paints u do not need thinner since its already prethinned in the bottle. for paints like tamiya clear red and other tamiya bottles u do need thinner to thin…[Read more]

        • it should also be fine btw usually dark colors over light colors dont have impact usually

          • Ah so then i’l be doing a titanium-style finish as my first project with matte black accents. Thank you all for the help, i appreciate it very much.

            • You’re welcome. Ono slight note though. The Alclad silver can react with an acrylic that is alcohol based, like the Tamiya and Mr’Hobby are. Please spray Alclad Klear Kote beforehand and let it cure for at least a day. Good luck, happy building and please show us some pictures of the finished result. Interesting sounding colour scheme!

            • @teetee580
              On that note of clear coats, i spray that coat after the primer and then the silver? And after i finish spraying the colors, do i need a sealer or top coat?
              I just don’t want to mess up on the model.

    • First spray the primer, then optionally a gloss black (due to the high shine, the shine of the silver “deepens”, you could first try the colours on a plastic spoon for comparison, that’s how I test colours out, how many layers and such without messing up the model),
      the silver base, optional an enamel gloss clear coat (if the paint you’re using…[Read more]

      • Hmmmmm is it possible to put down the primer let it cure, then an alclad silver, and then spray a clear red over it. of course i’ll see how many times i want to spray the red, and then a sealer. For the black areas i was thinking of doing the primer, then the black with a sealer on top.
        Are there any kinds of sealers that i should be using for a…[Read more]

        • If the red you’re going to spray is an enamel, it won’t be a problem. If it’s an “acrylic” by Tamiya or Mr. Hobby is strongly advise you spray down a clear enamel coat first and let it cure. Although it states Alclad II Lacquers on the bottle, most of their product aren’t lacquers at all, like the Klear Kote by them, it’s an enamel…..

          You can…[Read more]

          • sorry for not replying lots of things going on, can you explain this to me in a more basic level, or explain to me a basic way of doing this kind of paint job. A nice semi shiny/shiny red on nightingale. thank you for all your help.

  • Dan posted an update in the group Group logo of Q/A & Help GroupQ/A & Help Group 8 years, 6 months ago

    Hi Guys I’m new to the forums so HELLO! =D

    I’m a big fan of the 00 Series and I was wondering if you guys knew how to check the restocking updates of Bandai because I really am watching for the 1/100 models to come back. Thanks!

    • At the start of every month Bandai will update this page with the PDF of restocks and new releases for that month.
      If you can’t speak Japanese then you can just copy the PDF’s url into Google Translate and open it up.
      Unfortunately we can only see the month we’re in but it’s better than nothing 🙂

  • Ethicmouse posted an update in the group Group logo of Q/A & Help GroupQ/A & Help Group 8 years, 6 months ago

    Hello everyone,

    I’ve a question regarding kits to buy on a trip to Japan! My friends will be going on a trip to Japan soon and they asked me if I wanted any gunpla kits. The problem is that they know little about gunpla (apart from admireing me shelf :)) and I do not want to overburden them with a large box they would lose their precious time…[Read more]

    • Well if they’re going to Tokyo then you can get all sorts of cool exclusive kits at Gundam Front Tokyo as well as see the 18m tall Rx-78 2.
      The prices aren’t too bad at GFT but there are a few large shops which have wide range of reasonably priced regular release Gundams, easiest to find for me was in Akihabara. But if you’re keen on Japan…[Read more]

    • Of course, what Nick said is very much true, but for some more ideas I recommend checking out the YouTube channel of Mokanaman. He went to Japan last November and has some videos about this. He mentions some big places and even some little moms&pops places where you can get some really obscure kits for next to nothing. Knowing Alan he’ll be glad…[Read more]

  • Monobre posted an update in the group Group logo of Q/A & Help GroupQ/A & Help Group 8 years, 6 months ago

    just a short question, what colours is recommended for me to use with tamiya metallic orange or mica red on a zaku? i have been stuck on the colour scheme of my custom zaku for quite a while

  • Gunpla Joe posted an update in the group Group logo of Q/A & Help GroupQ/A & Help Group 8 years, 7 months ago

    Hi all, i just started on this hobby (just finished my 6th kit). can somebody tell me is there the best way the apply the eye sticker on gundam’s head(especially those tiny ones on the real grade) . For me the head part is the soul of gundam kit. it’s always frustrated me when i cant properly aligned the eye sticker on the head it really ruined…[Read more]

    • Welcome to the hobby! Hope you’ll enjoy it as much as i do.
      Myself, I use the hobbyknife”s point to peal off the sticker, insuring the blunt side of the knife is facing up, so I don’t cut in the actual sticker itself. I make sure the knife is placed on the long side of the sticker and as most in the middle of this side as possible. The knife is…[Read more]

      • Hi @teetee580, thanks alot for your detailed and informative tips, much appreciated. As i always line up my stricker from the side way of the eyes part of the kit and hope for the best, yours techniques makes more sense and minimize the chance of ruining the eye sticker.
        I had no idea you can paint the eyes, especially on the 1/144 scale kit, it…[Read more]

  • thebanshee13 posted an update in the group Group logo of Q/A & Help GroupQ/A & Help Group 8 years, 7 months ago

    hai its been a super long time but since ive been on break but im back so i recently bought the gundam barbatos at barnes and nobles (noted theres a 15% coupon plus membership so i it was 24$) but anyways i wanted to make the mace for him but idk the dimensions so i was hoping if there was anyone that would no the dimensions of the 1/144…[Read more]

    • Can’t believe no one has a 1/144 scale Barbatos here on this site……. Wait! The answer doesn’t obtain one a free Gunpla!!!
      Anyways, looked it up for you, as I recalled Henry A.K.A. vegeta8259 made his own mace and shows a picture of the dimensions:

      Hope this helps you out. Good luck and happy building!

    • There is speculation that the 1/100 Gundam Barbatos 6th form will include parts for the 5th from Barabatos as well as the mace which features and extending lance gimmick (and doesn’t have the point rounded off like the 1/144 version), but HLJ do not appear to have any official photos to confirm this.

      • kinda alittle too late to release one considering i just made the mace lol but now i can think about getting another barbatos

  • Kethrenan posted an update in the group Group logo of Q/A & Help GroupQ/A & Help Group 8 years, 7 months ago

    Hi all I really wasn’t to where else to post this on here, what I’m wondering is does anyone at all who is a member on this site possibly have a built PG Strike Rouge that they would be willing to part with for a reasonable price ?

  • Monobre posted an update in the group Group logo of Q/A & Help GroupQ/A & Help Group 8 years, 8 months ago

    Hi, just two questions here regarding the PG Banshee Norn
    1. If i want to preserve the shine of the plated gold parts from degrading due to direct/indirect sunlight, do i spray on gloss topcoat over it or leave it as it is
    2. How do i resolve the weight distribution issue of the shield without using any cement and able to pose it like shown on the…[Read more]

    • Hi there,
      1 I have got a 1/100 HG Wing Gundam from I believe 2001. It had “mechie” plated gold parts and those are as pristine as the day they came out of the box. So you don’t need to put anything on it. There is however a product from Model Master which is designed for putting over metalizers without ruining the sheen, which most clear coats…[Read more]

    • 1: as Teetee said, the way that Bandai painted the gold parts they will survive fine as is. Although if you want to protect it from scratches then a gloss coat will be fine.

      2: There aren’t really any “fixes” for the shield, so I can only really offer posing advise sorry.
      For my Banshee I made sure that the shield peg is as close to the centre of…[Read more]

  • OniMun posted an update in the group Group logo of Q/A & Help GroupQ/A & Help Group 8 years, 9 months ago

    Hi guys, so I just bought this and I was wondering on how I could use this the best. Details on this product and help please cuz I can’t find details on this product anywhere.
  • Monobre posted an update in the group Group logo of Q/A & Help GroupQ/A & Help Group 8 years, 9 months ago

    Recently I just started building my hi nu ver ka. But problem is that the kit uses water slide decals. I do know that the water decals are already pre cut but do I just peel the decal off and put in water or am supposed to cut along the pre cut line bef sliding the thing into water

    • You need to cut the decal from the sheet. You can do this by either using a knife or a pair of scissors. There is no need to cut them along the pre-cut line, or else there would be no need for the pre-cut….
      If you leave some excess paper next to the decal when you cut it, you can use this in your advantage to be holding the paper with a set of…[Read more]

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