
  • scid posted an update in the group Group logo of CUSTOM GUNPLA!CUSTOM GUNPLA! 9 years, 10 months ago

    my first time doing some painting on my kit..choose a HG first..maybe a little sloppy but it turn out nice 🙂

    • looks great 🙂 what paint did you use? I’m also planning to try and paint my Banshee destroy mode

      • here i cannot get a tamiya or mr i replace them with standard spray can brand anchor and samurai..but be warned..spray within 1 feet n while rotating it..if not the paint would be to thick and would be dripping all over the place..i use platinum gold and silver undercoat

    • Wish I could just go to store and buy myself a kit like that… :/ As for your kit/painting skills, have no fear! You’re doing ok! 🙂

      • Thanks..I’m lucky here in malaysia gunpla comunity is quite strong n a lot of shops n supermarket are selling gunpla..but u can always order at hlj like me 🙂

        • Though it’s funny how you guys get kits more or less everywhere but you don’t get any paint for them. It’s like that old Tom & Jerry cartoon where Tom finds a can of something but there’s no can opener in sight. Well, at least you guys have cans everywhere, we don’t have cans NOR can openers. Actually, we have some of the openers but just Revell brand and enamel paints only. As for the HLJ and ordering of goods, just my first two kits weren’t ordered from HLJ. And some of the, more rare/discontinued ones too. Anyway, looking forward to seeing more from you. 🙂

          • actually there’s a shop selling those but quite far and I’m too busy to go there..thats why I always order gunpla online

    • Nice paint job looks great