
  • RedVal posted an update in the group Group logo of What are you building?What are you building? 8 years, 1 month ago

    My next build is the MG Sinanju Ver. Ka. I’m working on its gold linings on its sleeves and other parts and it really test your patients and gunpla building mastery (hahahaha!)
    • If you don’t mind me asking, how are you going to do the sleeves? Are you going to paint them, use the water slides or the stickers.
      And one other question, those parts on the sticks, are those all the thrusters in the kit? If so, that’s a lot of thrust LOL

    • I primed first everything before painting, then the sleeves (after priming),painted them all with black then I have a gold acrylic pen (I’ll post it later when I got home) which I will used for its gold lining and a black pen which is 0.005 tip (I’ll post this too later) for cleaning the messy gold lining application. Yes, those parts on the sticks are all thrusters. Hmmm… I find this Sinanju more challenging to build than the Nu Gundam Ver. Ka. hehehe

    • Thanks for replying back!
      Funny you should mention that, I’m contemplating of building a Sinanju next, and my first MG was the Nu Ver.Ka.
      So I have my work cut out for me…. 🙂

    • My first MG was also the Nu. Ver Ka, hahahaha!!! but thanks also for advice while building mine in the past months( I can’t remember anymore) hehehe

    • That’s funny! Was a great build, but now I’m a little spoiled… Haha. Can’t remember either, but in any case, I’m glad I was able to be of some use 😉

    • nice2x hehe 😀