
  • Alirubit posted an update in the group Group logo of The RG GroupThe RG Group 10 years, 3 months ago

    Hello guys, I just wanted to share my experience with the RG world, actually that is all the expirience I have with Gunpla overall xD, I got into the hobby and did not know what I was getting into and bought a RG Freedom without knowing, but it turned out great!, based on guides and several other modelers, I found that it is not recommended for…[Read more]

    • Stickers are able to be removed and if you remove a sticker it is reusable but it would peel very easily compared to the first time you applied it.

      • Thank you for your reply! hey, and what if I reuse the stickers after panel lining and then use a top coat, are they still going to peel off easily? Is there any problem in doing panel lining over stickers?

        • The sticker will stay on if you topcoat it but you’d have to be careful of air bubbles under the sticker, as that’s an issue with reusing them.
          Panel lining then applying a sticker works fine but I’m not sure about physically going over the sticker. Your best bet would be to cut the sticker along the panel line and then line it.

          • Thank you for all that information, I think I will do that, I was looking into the option of buying aftermarket decals for it and use those instead after panel lining but could not find any for the RG Freedom only for the Strike Freedom 🙁

  • mbp457 posted an update in the group Group logo of The RG GroupThe RG Group 10 years, 3 months ago

    just need the rg exia now
  • ni_smo posted an update in the group Group logo of The RG GroupThe RG Group 10 years, 4 months ago

    Bandai online special
  • drAInbAmAgE posted an update in the group Group logo of The RG GroupThe RG Group 10 years, 4 months ago

    Ok folks, since i got such a plethora of speedy responses last time i figure i’ll ask another RG question. I got my first RG kit today, Zeta clear version, and im stoked about cracking that box open and diving right in. But then it dawned on me, how do i do panel lines on a clear kit? do i skip it? black or should i use grey? im so unsure about it…[Read more]

    • If I ever get a clear kit, I keep it clear, a straight build for me. If it is a clear MG, I’d probably only paint the inner frame. : )

      Panel lining a clear kit would be a toughy, I haven’t see what black or grey lining would be like, I guess, you could experiment on the runners first?

    • I haven’t done a clear kit yet. Don’t think I will panel line it. But if I do, I probably would go with white.

  • John posted an update in the group Group logo of The RG GroupThe RG Group 10 years, 4 months ago

    My RG Exia has terrible seam lines. Not impressed with this kit at all, The effect area in the upper thighs is rubbish. Been pretty happy with the last 14 kits but I wish they lined up their molds a bit better this time.

    • I just finished making onefor myfriend as he likes 00 but notmodeling.
      I think that the gn cables in the upper thigh look a bit tacky due to the reflective sticker underneath, mainly because it’s hard to make the surface under it flat. I’m pretty happy with it overall as it can stand (my MG is permanently on an action base) and has really nice…[Read more]

    • Mine wasn’t any worse than the other RGs I have built, but yeah, you need to smooth out the area before applying the silver sticker. A trick is do not press the sticker down all the way, just let it sort of float on it. The GN plastic will secure it in place along with the side armors. If yours is really bad, you can always remove the sticker and…[Read more]

    • I agree with you, it has got ‘seem lines’ in places I don’t like ^^; But overall its a very nice piece of kit and it really (in my opinion) beats the MG in some places. The silver stickers aren’t working in some places, maybe stick them on a flat piece of thin card,/paper for the thigh windows, keeping it smooth and flat.

      Looks quite good having…[Read more]

  • Barracuda posted an update in the group Group logo of The RG GroupThe RG Group 10 years, 4 months ago

    Is the RG kits bigger than a HG kit?

    • RG kits are the same scale as HG ones (1/144) so they’ll be around the same size

      • Technically RG are taller than HG I’ve built several RGs and compared them to some of the latest HG and the height difference is pretty obvious that RG are slightly taller than any HG kits

        • It depends on the HG kit in question, I have Geara Zulu who is taller than RG Strike, Gundam, Zaku, Exia, etc. Even Gundam Harute is taller than RG Exia.

    • it is like the difference with mg and 1/100 ng slimmer and slightly taller with way more detail

  • drAInbAmAgE posted an update in the group Group logo of The RG GroupThe RG Group 10 years, 4 months ago

    Ok folks ive got a question or two to ask. Ive been really curious about getting into the RG line due to the great detail of these kits and the price tag is kinder on my wallet than the MGs im usually building ::cough:: Sazabi Ver Ka ::cough:: plus i would be able to display more in a given area because of the smaller size. So the first question…[Read more]

    • Really any RG is a good one to start with except the Zeta as it’s a bit fragile.
      The build on RGs are very enjoyable but can be a bit fiddly due to the small parts.
      Painting a RG would be a bit more difficult than a MG if you plan to keep the multi coloured armour, as you’d probably have to paint each individual part before putting them…[Read more]

    • Well, the problem i find in the rg is the size, it is complex, in some even more than a few mg´s, the problem is that the pieces re to small and makes them a pain to build them, incredible looks and articulation, and yes they can be painted, also some parts re always falling off, they re not sturdy as a simple hg for example, dont get me wrong,…[Read more]

    • If you want to get into RG go for the MK II..its a good RG..I already have 8 RG and only build 5 of them. RG is a great transition when you tired of doing MG’s. The detail is great and easy to assemble. But be cautious of the tyny parts because they easily lost and be gentle when assembling or u might break something.

    • Agreed with what the others said. MkII is fantastic and you can’t really go wrong. In some ways RGs are more “challenging” than MGs as the parts are smaller, especially if you plan to paint it. Give it a try.

    • The RG line is excellent. I think you’d enjoy almost any of the kits, but my favourites so far have been Justice, Freedom, Strike & Strike Freedom. They’re all nicely detailed and articulated, and indeed complex enough to keep you interested. The armour comes in many sections and usually with good colour differentiation to add real nice detail to…[Read more]

    • As with any kit you want to get, I always recommend you get a kit you like. I know you wanted the trans am Exia and if you cannot get your hands on it you can always make your own. As for how good the RG line is? Its fantastic, the line really is “excitement embodied” if you think it was going to skimp on complexity these small kits have quite…[Read more]

      • Wow folks lots of replies and lots of info so thanks everyone for your input. I decided to take the plunge into the RG line with 2 gentei kits (clear zeta and trans-am exia) and im putting in an order with HLJ for the MKII and the RX-78-2 kits and water slides. i’ll b posting some of the WIP stuff once i start up the RGs, which i might be using to…[Read more]

  • jacky28c posted an update in the group Group logo of The RG GroupThe RG Group 10 years, 4 months ago

    “I am Gundam!”, said a famous Gundam Meister.

    I had fun building this kit. It is a little different from my usual. Yes, this is my first 00 kit! Not bad at all. I like the…

    [Read more]

    • Great photos man. Looks really good as well

    • Hmm, not sure whether or not I’ll pick this guy up as I already have the MG.
      Anyway, great job on this one. I’m really looking forward to the RG Z’Gok (one of my favorite mobile suits) because of the interesting redesign they gave it.

    • Thanks guys!

      I tried two “new” things this time, a gray marker (instead of the usual black) and a seamless background.

      Nick, isn’t the MG not too stable, or so I heard? This little guy has no issue posing or holding his weapons. There is a slight limitation at the hip. But I now know why people were all over the chrome parts, they are really awesome.

  • Guigui posted an update in the group Group logo of The RG GroupThe RG Group 10 years, 4 months ago

    Completed Char’s custom Zaku, was nice to build !
    Just thought that everything was in the stickers, rather than fine details as in the Zephyrantes I built before and didn’t really like the springs.
    But I had a real good time with this Zaku !
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