Hey everyone! This has just arrive i quickly asimble and see hoq does frame look like since i never built Exia before. One thing for good about this Dark matter is it have so many spare part i hope i can do sth usefull with these. Thanks HLJ View
Hello everyone. I owned 74520 HG Compressor two weeks ago. and i broke the Basic Airbrush that come with it. So i tried to use another kind of airbrush.
That is how they should work – air should only come out when the button is pushed. I hope the old airbrush worked that way. I have no idea about that compressor but mine turns on and off as the air reservoir empties out and it fills back up. I also don’t see a regulator or moisture trap? Those get critical pretty soon. If you paint in humid…[Read more]
I know right its SOOO GOOD…though I haven’t actually gotten the set from the mail yet. though I really love the design of this suit and I wish you the best of luck on this set! 😀