
  • masterDS64 posted an update in the group Group logo of Q/A & Help GroupQ/A & Help Group 9 years, 2 months ago

    Hi again, um…this is in regards to my last question.

    Yes, thinking of doing a resin kit for the first time (because I always wanted a model of the efreet from one of the japanese only gundam games!) but thing is, I’m rough when panel lining with gundam markers, I’m a bit rough with my cutting…heck I’ve only really just stepped into spray can territory, long story short, I might just be out of my league.

    So the kit I’m specifically thinking is a conversion kit (gouf is the base I presume) from k-teams 1/100 scale, can anyone tell me if I need special tools for resin kits other than paint and reading instructions to snap it all on, and maybe glue for some parts?

    I wish not to go in blindly and end up wasting decent cash for something I’ve got no chance to build, while my intended paint job won’t be 100% color accurate due to using only spray cans I’m more worried about just…being able to work with it, any advice for a noob please let me know, you’d be either saving me money or spuring me on into new territory (even though I’m only just progressing from panel lined straight builds to spray can paints jobs XD) thanks!

    • My first thoughts are how much is the kit your thinking of getting, and how complicated is it?
      If it’s costly, I would suggest getting a cheaper kit first to try out, and practice on. Failing that if you have any rwain model making friends ask them for any of their spare sprues to tet out on.
      I would recommend a good set of needle files and good quality super glue. Thought to be frank I always use epoxy resin and pin my resin kits. Note also I have never built any Gundam resin kits, only Forge World and Kingsom Death.
      You’ll probably want a good supply of the blades for the knife you use.
      Be prepared to putty, I use both Milliputt and Greenstuff depending on the work required. So lots of tooth picks, and if possible a multi-purpose sculpting (though not necessary), are useful to have to hand. Plus a small pot of water for lube.
      Clean the kit really well before making, as they useually have lots of releasing agent on them..
      Some bends in resin kits can be straightened by bathing in very hot water to soften the resin, then holding the part straight whilst it cools
      If you have health concerns, where a face mask when filing or papering the resin, so you don’t breath in any of the dust.

      Sorry this wasn’t a very well formed response, was kind of stream of conscious thing.

      But I hope some of it helps.

      • Sorry a few typos, also ment to say “multi-purpose sculpting tool”

        • Thank you for the info, wow that’s alot, some may or may not apply to a 1/144 resin gundam kit but I suspect the putty and filing may be good, I’m a little too heavy handed on anything where a part needs to be shaved in any form so I might hold back a bit ^^

          But thank you for the info, I’ll look back on this when I eventually get the supplies kit and confidence 🙂