
  • lokesc posted an update 9 years, 7 months ago

    It took me a while to decide on the final colour scheme for my Zeta Gundam. I may need to spray paint a few more smaller parts to bring out the character further which I hope will help redefine a bit of the overall colour scheme.

    The parts which will be recoloured are:

    Arm Unit to red
    Waste Unit to yellow
    Knee armour to red
    Leg top parts to blue
    Skirts to blue with red top parts
    Crouch bottom armour to red
    Arm hose to gold
    Arm inner frame to chrome
    Knee inner frame to chrome

    I don’t think anyone can imagine the final look of my kit just by basing at these changes. See photo of the orignal colour scheme. It won’t be a huge departure from Zeta’s original colour after all. I won’t spoil the already good colour scheme of the original yah!
