
  • I’m entering this again hoping to do have better luck than I did in 2013. I was planning this build for a while but this timing is brilliant. The build I’m preparing this year will be a kitbash of the GM Striker ( which I already have through my wife for my birthday and a kit I’m waiting on from my father in law…[Read more]

  • I had just gotten stuck into snap building the Plamax 1/350 Cherno Alpha when the announcement came out so I thought I would use it for my entry!
    I haven’t built a Plamax model kit before and so far I’m impressed with the molded detail.
    • I dont think already started kits are eligible

    • I remember there were a few half snapped kits entering last time but I’m not too sure if the line of “started” is drawn at snap fitted or painted/prepped.

      Can we get some rules around half snap fitted models @syd ?

    • that does look good. might have to pick these up. loved the jaegers. best part of the movie hands down

    • The “Basic Rules” on the contest’s page does not mention projects in progress, only that you provide 4 WIP images throughout the contest. However it would be against the spirit of the contest to post a finished build that you already had pictures of that was done before the contest was announced. We should wait on an official ruling before anyone…[Read more]

    • I just finished snap building the Cherno and I must say that it looks great but definitely needs some paint to give it that awesome gritty look from the movie.
      I was lucky enough to pre-order both this and the Gypsy Danger before they went to Order Stop on HLJ but I’m not sure when they’ll do a second run of them :/

    • Yeah there is a bit of a blank space in the rules regarding that, I wouldn’t imagine putting up a previous project is any good but I would like to see an official ruling around models that have been half built or snap fitted but not worked on, especially in the Intermediate and Advanced categories.

      If I can’t end up entering this, even by…[Read more]

    • Ah my Rival 😉

    • I’m snapping my Gipsy together right now for the contest. Lots of things to do for it lots of detail that needs to be painted

  • Syd wrote a new post 7 years, 8 months ago

    We’ve been hinting at this for some time and we’ve put the finishing touches and it’s ready to go. HobbyLink.TV’s Playing With Plamo 2017 Modeling Competition is now open.

    Check out the groups from the last […]

    • A quick question. Couldnt find it in the rules (looks like you guys even didnt add the requirement about the unopened kit like last competition) but is it ok to make a kit (orginal unopened one) using canibalised parts of other kit. Im my example. The model will be MS-06E3(unopened kit) and the part provider (joints and some parts to fix proportions of the kit) will be MS-06FS. Will it still be eligible?

      View post on

      PS. Ryan and Syd. I bet Robodaz if he wishes could put a submission today since he has insane build speed 😛

    • Finally!!!

    • So we can’t include WIP pics of a kit we’ve already built if we’ve posted a review of it? What if we remove the review? Already too late?

    • The links to the 2013 groups don’t work.

    • Whooo! So we need to start with a completely unassembled kit right?

    • Oh yes, definitely going to do this!

      Just a few questions though, would a kit received in the /r/Gunpla Secret Santa be eligible (It’s a Barbatos Lupus so there’s no doubt you guys sell it), and would sending WIP pictures to a gunpla chat in Telegram foul the no external posting rule?

    • Ouch I don’t have credit cards, so I buy kits from a guy who often order large amount of kits from hlj to sell to the locals. How can I prove the origin of my kit?

      • I’m guessing that with a good recent picture of the box and the runners inside the plastic?

    • Do we have to include the kits that I’m just using their weapons I have the parts but I don’t have box no more.

    • This is really cool. I just got one of my boxes from HLJ (after about 5 weeks in shipping, still waiting for another) I might use one of the two kits, probably the MG RGM Custom.

    • Is it me or are the links for the Begining/Intermediate/Advanced 2013 broken?

    • I am waiting for anew competition for years and now I figured, that I have no kit. The last unbuilt mayor kit from HLJ was my five star stories mortarhead and I started building it last weekend… Tough luck with that. I only have a V2 on its way since e few weeks, that might be in time. But I like it how it is. Sure my warehouse has a couple of kits, waiting to be shiped, but I had to use express shipment to be in time and that doubles my costs for them… argh.. have to sleep over this problem.

    • I’ve got a large number of planned projects, and this competition gives me a reason to start one. I’ve got a few questions:
      First: Does it need to be a single model kit, or can a diorama with a few models be acceptable?
      Second: I’m attempting to create a YouTube channel for my work. I’ll be taking video of the progress on this project. Do I need to wait until the competition is over to post any associated WIP videos, or does HLJ want some free advertising while I’m working on it?
      I’m Excited! Like I said, my backlog is pretty enormous at the moment, and this does give me an excuse to actually move forward with one of my many plans. More often than not, these same plans prevent me from actually building the kits, as I don’t have much free time to work on them.

    • A wild Ryan has appeared!

    • Hi,

      I am very happy HLJ is doing the competition again. It was a great experience last time round. I wish everyone the best of luck and can’t wait to see your work.

      If I may add a small critique. I wish you had not done the competition in this period of the year. This is study time in the northern hemisphere and April/May is exam time! Some of us who work and study are going to find ‘finding time’ very difficult. I think something like this would have been better served if done during the summer time.

      Also, I wish next time round, you pre-inform us when the opening dates for submission will be at least a month in advance. This way we will have some a grace period to think what we want to build and have enough time to order the parts/kits without loosing time.

      At this point I do not know if I will manage to finish a good project in time working only few hours over the weekend. I don’t want to rush my work like I did last time round and end up regretting it.

      I still have not decided what to do, but I will still be more than happy to watch others work on their projects.

      Once again good luck to one and all and a big thank you to HLJ for hosting the competition.


    • Does the kit have to be purchased from HLJ?

    • I need to know if it’s ok that I use one weapon from a kit (just a beam rifle) that wasn’t purchased from HLJ, would that get me disqualified or ???

    • wait, so i gotta buy the kit from hlj in order to enter?

      • I thought that Sid said threat they just have to stock the kit at hlj not necessarily have bought it from them??? I’m not sure does any one want to clarify this conundrum.

      • Not don’t think so, u just have to make sure you make the kit for hobbylinkjapan only. That mean they can’t been any photo or video of the kit your building anywhere online it must be on hobby link

    • Tod is great, but it was nice to see ryan again.

    • Please I would like to know why are only kits purchased on allowed in the competition? I buy my kits from all over the place and I have used and many others for many many years. I do not know why this is a rule now.

      I believe this limits everyone’s creativity. Because I feel like my ability to express myself with Bandai’s Gundam, or Kotobukiya, or Tamiya kits are really limiting. I would prefer to have a wider range of models to choose from.

      • The rules have been clarified to state clearly that the kit can be purchased from somewhere other than however you will need a customer account at in order to submit your final order and claim any prizes.

        HobbyLink Japan has a huge range of models. I don’t think it’s fair to say that people’s creativity is being stifled by asking that they use models that were/are available for sale through

        • Thank you Syd. I did not mean to come off as arrogant as it might have sounded. I highly and greatly appreciate it. I have been a long time HobbyLink Japan customer. Do not take my comments as being ungrateful for the opportunity and the experience that this competition offers.

          I was expressing frustrations over what I believed to be mixed up rules. I am sorry. Please do not hold that against me. I am having trouble deciphering and understanding the rules is all. I not only have HLJ models I would be able and willing to use. I am just looking and trying to do something different.

          Thank you Syd sensei.

        • Thank you Syd. I did not mean to come off as arrogant as it might have sounded. I highly and greatly appreciate it. I have been a long time HobbyLink Japan customer. Do not take my comments as being ungrateful for the opportunity and the experience that this competition offers.

          I was expressing frustrations over what I believed to be mixed up rules. I am sorry. Please do not hold that against me. I am having trouble deciphering and understanding the rules is all. I not only have HLJ models I would be able and willing to use but also my prize for 4th place runner up from 2014. I am just looking and trying to do something different.

          I am a loyal HobbyLink Japan customer.

          Thank you Syd sensei.

    • Can I use a 3rd party kit?

    • I can use already assembled models to create a kitbash and scratch

    • Hello HLJ and Master Syd.

      So yeah… a couple of questions:

      1. Can me and my wife both enter the competition (me in intermediate, she in beginner) as you know we are both fans of Gunpla and both build our own different kits?

      2.We have two HLJ accounts, however both are named after her and me as a care of in the address section as she has more time to pick up the kits at our post office and in times she cannot, i do so… Is this okay?

      Thanks for the response

    • Hi Syd, any chance we can up the image count for the submission? 8 is kinda low…



    • Hello Hlj, and Master Syd
      I have a few model and i already submit one model to this competition, my question can I submit more then one model, ths

  • Syd wrote a new post 7 years, 8 months ago

    Happy New Year, everyone! We’re back after a nice year-end holiday and we are eager to show you what we’ve been doing in terms of plamo during our days off. There are some big things in this episode!

    Check out […]

    • Thanks for the gift! guys may you always build gunpla tv!

    • Hey guys, gonna be building the PG Strike Freedom tomorrow. Do you know if you will be getting the HMM Gojulas The Ogre back in stock soon. Wasn’t able to afford it when it came out and so I missed it.

    • I have waited all year for this video and now it has finally arrived, jk. I had to keep myself entertained by watching older episodes haha. All and all, Happy New Years guys! Do you have any new years resolutions?

    • Great work as always syd, i may look to get both thunderbolt ka’s

    • Yay! A new one 😀

    • Another episode pf Gunpla TV is another episode of fun fun.

      I’m hype for Hekija. So far the hollow parts on the feet are disappointing, but otherwise it looks pretty good, i’m definitely a fan so i’ll definitely have to get one. Lunagazer too, Stargazer and Hyaku Shiki are two of my favorite MS, so I definitely have to get their baby. The Guncannon combo set is one i’m getting two of. I want both variants as they both look great. The Unicorn is something i’ll have to pass on, i’m not interested personally.

      Even though it’s a kit we’ve technically built, i’m still getting it. I’ve always wanted a Char’s Zaku I so i’ll have to buy this, I hope we get the other variant soon though, i’d like that one more.

      FM Vidar has got my hyped. Compared to the HG, it just destroys that thing past redemption. It’s got the gimmicks, less stickers and detail alone make it superior, so much to love about the kit. It’s going to be the Vidar kit i’m getting and I won’t regret it.

      The MG Psycho Zaku looks so damn sick. I love how it looks, but I will admit i’m not a huge fan of how the vinyl tubing looks. I feel like the HG did looks tubing better, but it’s not a deal breaker. I’m glad they used the Zaku 2.0 frame, it’s a great one. Sad he can’t hold his bazooka super well though. Still, i’ll have to get it, especially with how big it is.

    • Since the 1/100 IBOs are this well made, I hope they will make MGs too!

    • Do you guys prefer smaller or bigger kits?

    • Another great show. I was wondering if you could do a tutorial on how best to handle the vinyl tubing on the head, waist and leg (not the actual leg itself). Many people that reviewed the psycho zaku have commented that they ended up splitting the vinyl tube along the seams. Thanks.

    • ouch Todd you should have showed us how the pistols of the Vidar are stored on the front skirts, that’s a huge improvement over the HG

    • You could put in an entire meal on the fuel tank of that Psycho Zaku. Oh also I’ll be getting my package later from HLJ. ANyone here on the Philippines got theirs delivered directly to their home?

    • Todd, careful with that Lunagazer: an early review is not positive toward the materials used, and there aren’t any included beam saber effect parts!

      Could you see if it’s possible to combine the frame parts for the Ti Unicorn? Maybe it’s possible to show it transitioning between the modes.

      FM (NG) Vidar is ready to Attack on Titan!

    • Happy New Year, guys. Thanks for another great episode. Syd is the Gunpla Shogun but Todd has some deep knowledge as well. Much respect. Really loving all the releases from Thunderbolt and Origin.

    • Great episode as usual guys! Happy new year as well! FM Vidar looks cool, that hg zaku looks cool too, and geez, the mg Ver Ka Psycho Zaku is a monster. Where’s the new announcement video?

    • Wait did I miss something? Didn’t they say there was going to be a big announcement on the website at the same time the video went up?

      Not a fan of the Psycho Zaku I would rather buy 3 normal Zakus for the same price.

    • Well great show guys a shame i didn’t win that beaut of a suit though.

    • Hell or high water wont stop me from Plamo!

    • Been a while since i saw an episode of gunpla tv.. Been watching you previous episodes… Made me think hows ryan doing now?

    • I like the looks of the vidar, except for the color. Want to see some customs with a different color scheme

    • Love the Vidar with the exception of the weirdly arched feet. I’d definitely want to replace those with a more traditional style.

    • I have a question, but not exactly related to this episode.
      i think in December 2015 there was some announcement about RE/100 Kshatriya kit.
      Do you have any info about this release?

    • Happy New Years you guys!

      Good god, that Psycho Zakus’ Backpack :0

    • That giant backpack… Might as well used a Tresemme shampoo bottle, lol.

    • Great show guys. Thanks.
      Wow, didn’t know that the Ver. Ka Unicorn discontinued!
      That’s an interesting Zaku I.

    • That Vidar is really something. Looking forward to get mine.

    • Well, for me that back pack was the highlight of the episode!
      One of the things I really appreciate about gunpla tv is the comparisons! thank you very much for showing the differences with Zaku II 2.0. Hmmm, it was nice day dreaming about winning the Sazabi.

    • happy new years guys the vidar and zaku both look amazing

    • That Psycho Zaku looks awesome. Funny story actually. It’s in my private warehouse until I get back from Japan of all places. SO I’ve been walking around seeing Psycho Zakus on the shelves of every hobby store and I have to wait til I leave to have mine haha.

    • Thanks GunplaTV and RNG!

      I like the psycho zaku especially that shade of red but I’m not a big fan of the bulky backpack. It would be cool if they made a standalone version or better yet, the 3.0 Char’s Zaku II!

    • That Zaku is overkill. When will Bandai get sexy amd give us an MG Serpent Custom?

    • Great show guy’s and great way to start the year.
      The new Thunderbolt kit looks huge. And display room would be the only issue.
      One question do you think Bandai will bother with MG kits first the IBO line? As the standard 1:100 kits are so well designed. Still after this series I wonder where they will go from there.
      Have great year fellas and welcome back from your break.

    • I like that little red thingy hanging by that magnificent backpack.

    • what a wonderful episode. i love red gunpla.

    • Hey guys when does ibo option sets 8 and 9 go up for pre-order? Syd check out todd’s youtube channel.

    • Psycho Zaku!!!!

  • Syd wrote a new post 7 years, 9 months ago

    Merry Christmas everyone! If all goes according to plan (I think we’re batting .500) then this episode will be airing on Christmas Day for a large number of viewers. We get in the spirit of the season by bringing […]

  • The completed inspired build for kotobukiya frame arms girl grand prix 2016!
  • sparta112 posted an update in the group Group logo of Kotobukiya FanclubKotobukiya Fanclub 7 years, 9 months ago

    My piece for the Kotobukiya Frame arms girl grand prix 2016. !
  • Little chocobo knight baselard wip base kit is frame arms girl baselard, mount is frame arms wilber nine and knight armour is plum kit pla act arthur
  • Available from HobbyLink Japan

    This is an unboxing review for Tamiya’s impressive 1/350 kit of the IJN Mikuma light cruiser.
    The Mikuma was the second vessel in the four-vessel Mogami class of heavy cruisers […]

  • Syd wrote a new post 7 years, 9 months ago

    We’re still recovering from the magnitude of plamo released in the MG High Mobility Type Psycho Zaku Ver.Ka (GUNDAM THUNDERBOLT ver.) but we’d better not get too absorbed in that and miss an episode, so Syd and […]


    • Keep up the good work.

    • I was actually waiting to buy the new HG Impulse because I already had the first HG 1/144 Impulse gundam. It would be great if I could win it.

    • Doggy gundam from seed = Gaia Gundam

    • ヽ(°∀°ヽ) HGCE! I was talking with a few friends on Discord, and a few points were made about how it was great that Band-aid is going back and covering up – I mean fixing all of their mistakes from HG SEED!

      In other observations, the origins suits are looking rather nice as always, and I am looking forward to seeing the Psycho Zaku!

      • ( /°∆°) Just came back to double check and noticed Bandai got autocorrected to Band-aid!!!

        Perhaps autocorrect should be called “autoassume”, since it rarely gets anything right!

    • Build strike looking good

    • dat RG man

    • Gaia, BuCUE, LaGOWE (from Seed), K9 Backpack (from GBF) for the animalistic MS.
      To be honest Syd wasted more time while thinking how to make the eye for the psycho zaku than he would just use the waterslide :P.

      • How do you know how fast I think? 😉

        • Well. What i meant was that getting some vinegar, saucer and a paper towel from kitchen and some tweezers and hobby knife should take less time than looking for a unused decal from other kit and trying to figure out how to use a smaller decal for the larger surface. That said it still looked very good but the whole proces should be time consuming.
          Another idea about the decal. Get some clear red and green acrylic paints (if you could get your hands or valleyo – they would be perfect for this – due to them being water based so no unpleasant fumes) and do a quick 1 or 2 layers.


    • Out of all the new mobile suits coming from ibo. Whats your favorite? I honestly love the Bael Gundam. I cant wait to see its color scheme. and i wonder if theyre going to make mobile suits for the rest of the demons from the ars groetia. as you know phenex is also one of the demons. maybe the UC timeline will tie into IBOs timeline aswell.

    • Im going to need a bigger checking acct. to make it through the year!!! So many kits….

    • I’m excited to see the Hashimal build

    • Loving the look of the Flauros. IBO season 2 designs have been really knocking it out of the park. I’m waiting on the 1/100 though since that scale is more to my preference.

    • me win… try and try until you succeed… hehehe… more power guys

    • RGs are awesome. The SEED and SEED Destiny was the show that put me back in the Gundam hobby. I liked the doglike mechs and the Astray series. Wish I could win the contest. Flauros would probably look better as a 1/100 model.

    • I have an impulse to comment

    • Oh man, the Flauros transformation is great! I can’t wait to pick one up and paint it up like the Insecticon Kickback from G1.
      Insert your own Impluse-based pun here.

    • OMG my question last week led to a DARK ABOMINATION! Fumina with the Zaku head looked like nightmare fuel ^_^

      Never really been into RG gunpla, I’m an MG or bigger scale kinda guy, but that Build Strike…mmmm. I can see myself getting all up in that business.

    • Flauros the new Gaia

    • Still really wish they sold the Build Strike with the Star Build set included as a standard kit outside of the HG. Really want to make the MG Star Build Strike but once you add the cost of the Star Build and the Pack its over $60, I’d rather get the MG Sinanju if I had that much. Really hoped the RG would be different.

    • Ore…sanjou!

      Tones of new kits and i’m excited for them all. Hashmal is going to be a beast, while i’m disappointed the inner area of the wings misses grey color when it could’ve easily been plastic and that the Pluma has hollow parts, i’m fine with everything else. I love MA’s, so i’m definitely buying that one. MG Psycho Zaku is a beast. It’s got a ton of stuff and it’s got a great inner frame. I’ve heard that it can’t hold his bazooka very well though, so that’s a shame.

      Fumina is bustiest bust and tones of fanservice, nuff’ said. The Bugu is an interesting kit, and i’m probably going to get it. Definitely needs lining, it’s just blue and it would look bland without any. I’ve actually waited quite a while for an HG Char’s Zaku I. Wanted one since Gundam-san and we finally get one from origin, so it’s going to be a great kit, definite buy. Flauros has gotten a lot of hate since Shino was confirmed pilot, but I was never turned off of it. I love magenta and I love his eye decals, adds more personality, I always loved the design and his cannons were such a turn on, and when the transformation was revealed I had to get this on my wishlist. The new Petit’gguys are interesting, I might pick them up one day but they have no priorities. RG Build Strike is what I was most hyped for in the month, while he didn’t seem to get as high of a score as other RG’s on your site, i’m still getting it. Especially with it’s gimmicks and detail, I love the Build Strike and I need to get thoughts of it for myself.

      I can’t tell if you’re sarcastic or not with Vidar. It’s plainly obvious though. XD

    • That gouf looks pretty sweet. Hope to win that impulse tho!

    • nice kits

    • may the force impulse be with me

    • I’m excited to see the figure-rise burst build

    • Looking forward to see the new Vidar 1/100. Nice show guys!

    • Damn you, RN-Geesus! I wanted the Gouf *sadface*

    • Did Bandai get Fumina’s permission to make her bust? Super Fumina’a waist may be 30% thinner, but the bust is 20% fitter. Just look at those abs!

      Think I’d still go with the LaGowe over the Flauros or Gaia.

    • I want to have the whole Petitgguy collection!

    • all those kits reviewed, thank you for those

    • IBO second season is leaps and bounds better than season 1.

    • Can’t wait for your impressions of Psycho Zaku! I am on the fence about getting one.

      Meanwhile, I am looking forward to receiving the MG Nu Ver Ka with special decals from HLJ sometime soon!

    • definitely buying a Flauros soon, it would look great with a custom color scheme.
      Also nice to win something once in a while

    • Im still waiting for the whole GAT gundam series from SEED to appear in RG. Well we will be having the gold frame amatsu so maybe blizt gundam is possible since bandai really like to reuse old runners.

    • Gundam Origin’s suits have something special! They all look so good. New and old at the same time.

    • Love the RG kit. I want them to create a new MG God gundam.

    • When will we see Helmwige Reincar 1/144 in stores?
      Really loving that MASSIVE sword it has.
      Can’t believe its the same frame as the slim Grimgerde.

    • New Year resolution?

    • Before anything else… Merry Christmas to you guys at hobby link TV…. Force Impulse I hope I win one

    • How big will it be the IBO Mobile Armor compare to other IBO kit like Gundam Barbatos. Hope you guys bring also some IBO kit as comparison or make a fight scene with it when making the review .

    • I’m really excited for the next episode.

    • The transformed Flauros looks like a Zergling.

    • Notice those holes in the Build Strike’s Shield? I bet the Star Build Strike Parts are coming soon

    • It’s pretty sad to say this, but that Fumina is one of the better gunpla related kit lol.

    • I need to get all the Origin Kits

    • Did you see Rogue One already?

    • The Zaku Fumina needs a neck but I think it would actually look cool really cool.

      MG N-666 Kshatriya when?

    • Really? After all my serious comments, it is the laughter about Syds leathal wound that made it to the show..? ;D Btw. The Strikes look better with switched backpacks.

    • Happy holidays to you all!

    • The RG was the highlight!!

    • Cool episode guys! Merry Christmas to you and New Years as well. The force is strong with us all and puns are too, but it be cool to win the Force Impluse Gundam!

    • Just bought gyancelot.. Force impulse would be great with it..

    • Great episode.. Cant wait to see the MG psychozaku

    • I still only have my original Wing kits :(, been meaning to pick up some Seed, X, and 00. Confound it 3D Metal printer costs.

    • Looking forward for the build review of Hashmal. IBO kits have a habit on part swapping/taking parts from other kit, my first though for this Hashmal shall be add-on weapon/armor like the long range booster, hence the name. “Mobile Armor” (Mobile Suit Armor). It shall be really awesome if it’s also done on the Anime.

    • yas

    • yes?

    • That mobile armor is huge, the angles in the anime didn’t really give a good idea of the scale to me but now that we see it in model kit form, it’s pretty massive! Happy holidays guys, great episode as always.

    • Great show guys, I want to get some of he Iron blooded orphans

    • Very nice

    • I must say that Bandai needs to improve the ability of the model kits to stand properly, I see now that they either lean forward or backwards, because the torso or the backpacks are too heavy, and you can’t display them as good as the older kits … my 1/100 Barbatos is always falling to the front, 🙁 SMH!and for the looks of it, Strike Gundam Full Package has the same issue.

    • Dude, really want to add that IBO MA!

    • winter sale not that attractive to me….. now just hoping to win gunpraaaaaaa

    • despite what people say about the build strike being boring I actually love the design. It’s may favorite modern version of the standard gundam colors without being to different like the bardatos. for me it’s a good combination of that classic gundam feel and a modern design.

    • I bought some kits from your site unfortunately. My aunt was going to pay for it using her card.. It did not permit using it from a diffrent country. Is there anything we can do? I tried ordering FM lupus and Vidar

      • Sorry to hear about the trouble! Please contact our customer support via and they can help you out. Please be sure to write from the email address you’ve registered in your account, too! Thanks!

    • I’m strangely excited by the fumina bust with the Psycho zaku head. What have you done?!

    • That Build Strike RG looks nice.

    • That build strike sooo beautifull already have the hg, i watt this to

    • Force impulse!

    • Good luck with the Psycho Zaku. At least it’s not as much work as the Zoids Gojulas.

    • Oh oh oh pick me pick me pleazzzzz

    • I just got the Flauros in the mail a few hours ago and I can’t wait to build it! When I first saw the MS design in color, it reminded me of the Calamity Gundam with the Aegis Gundam’s paint scheme. Is it just me or does the Barbatos’s, Gusion’s and Flauros’s combat roles mirrors the MS from the original series: RX 78-2 Gundam and Barbatos as short to mid range MS, Guncannon and Gusion Rebake Full City as Mid to Long and Guntank Long to Shelling? I now have to watch the series again to find the MS clones in this series.

    • Hope bandai will release a 1/100 Mobile Armor Hashmal.. it would be awesome.. 🙏

    • Can the “arms from the Hashmal be used on an IBO Gundam frame as legs with out modification?

    • All I want is that nice looking Flauros

      Or maybe the impulse🌚

    • The rg build strike looks nice, except for the wider legs, prefer the slim look of the rg strike. Hoping for the universal booster to come soon.

    • From Viet Nam with love <3

    • I like the Build Strike but I would have liked to see it without the leg spacers.Are they just for articulation?

    • Last minute but got some stuff off that winter sale. Whoo, anyways I like the way the Impulse looks!

    • Force

    • Christmas gift from you guys would be nice….

    • A good show as always. Can’t wait for next week.

    • The Flauros is what would happen if a Transformer and a Zoid made a baby.

    • Show us the Orge! Show us the Ogre! Show us the Orge! Another great episode and I was hoping you could do a unboxing or at least give us a glance at the Zoids Gojulas Orge kit that just arrived.

    • Another great episode and I was hoping you could do a unboxing or at least give us a glance at the Zoids Gojulas Orge kit that just arrived.

    • that RG build strike full package looks fantastic

    • already seen some amazing customs for that fumina bust XD

    • Happy holidays guys!

    • A few months ago, I bought the no grade Providence. I ran custom LEDs and everything into it. the day after I finished they announced the MG Providence. 🙁

    • nice review on the RG Build Strike with comparison the the RG Aile Strike!

    • Keep those beargguys coming!

    • Cant wait to see the mobile armour built. Awesome job guys!

  • Blue Comet posted an update in the group Group logo of Gunpla TVGunpla TV 7 years, 9 months ago

    Bandai wants to know if overseas fans wants to buy P-Bandai kit directly from them. Submit this survey and let your voices be heard.

  • Syd wrote a new post 7 years, 9 months ago

    It’s finally here! The monster that is the MG High Mobility Type Psycho Zaku Ver.Ka (GUNDAM THUNDERBOLT ver.)! Syd and Todd go through the entire contents of this humungous box and show everyone what they can […]

  • Syd wrote a new post 7 years, 9 months ago

    Due to an unfortunate accident with a potato peeler, Syd was unable to complete the HG Bugu; however, we make up it in this episode wherein we discuss a whole lot of upcoming plamo alongside Todd’s HG […]

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