
  • McG posted an update in the group Group logo of Q/A & Help GroupQ/A & Help Group 9 years, 4 months ago

    Any suggestions for an Led for the RX 78-2 Ver 3.0? I would like to get the Bandai set but they only have green and red. And as far as I know 78-2 has yellow eyes.
    Any responses are much appreciated. Thank you

    • just the 3rd party knock offs on eBay… or you can create your own LEDs. there’s a tutorial on Youtube. or buy the green Bandai LEDs, take them apart and switch out the LEDs with yellow ones. you’d have to undo the solder and re-solder with your own yellow LEDs. Bandai did release a yellow one with the P-Bandai exlusive Extra Weapon Pack for…[Read more]

      • tbh u should really buy the knock off ones. its not really a big big deal to buy it. its also a little cheaper as a plus. a while ago i bought the green led from bandai and the knock off and what i feel was that the bandai one was not as bright as the knock off and it didnt even last as long also the knock off is already pre built so u dont have…[Read more]

    • Alright thanks, appreciate the advice. I’ll definitely look for those

  • Hi! The hands of my MG Turn A just fell apart, bad plastic i guess. Is there any nice hands I could by that would fit it? It has white armor on the back of the hand that I would like you use but in worst case I’ll use any hand as long as it snaps in place.

    Kind regards
    Kim W.

  • mrrehino posted an update in the group Group logo of Q/A & Help GroupQ/A & Help Group 9 years, 4 months ago

    Hello everyone,

    I’m trying to figure out how to top coat the mg unicorn gundam. I tried searching online but couldn’t find a definitive answer. Am i suppose to disassemble the kit and top coat it? top coat it before assembly? mask off the psycho frame? I’m going to try and flat coat the kit and i think it will mess up the pink frame if i coat it…[Read more]

    • top coat will affect the finish. either mask or take out parts that you don’t want affected. now for the unicorn, i believe it will be easy to just put it in unicorn mode and do the top coat if it’s too much trouble to disassemble and top coat the individual parts. i only do flat coats on armor parts of my kits and i leave the frame and metallic…[Read more]

  • Windstrike posted an update in the group Group logo of Q/A & Help GroupQ/A & Help Group 9 years, 4 months ago

    I have always want to get a PG kit, but due to the size of them, which always make me stop from getting it until recently. After watched the HLJ TV for the PG UNICORN, I think I can manage to fit it inside my Ikea glass display. So here is my question, for those who own one, can someone tell me how tall is it from head to toe? With the stand…[Read more]

    • The Unicorn in destroy mode is 39cm/12.5inch tall without the display base. The display base ads another 3.5cm/1.37inch.
      The base is 28.5cm/11.13inch wide and 23.5cm/9.18inch deep (displayed with the Gatling guns on the sides)
      I hope this answers your question

  • daverb posted an update in the group Group logo of Q/A & Help GroupQ/A & Help Group 9 years, 4 months ago

    hi all,

    i’m trying to save on trips and hobby paint purchases. i’ve been going through my enamel gloss black paint bottles like crazy trying to achieve that high gloss base coat for my metallic inner frame schemes. i’m wondering if anyone has any idea of a good substitute for black enamel gloss paint that i can purchase in a whole can (from the…[Read more]

    • u may as well just suck it up and buy aclad paints its a pretty big bottle of primer
      although the idea to get a primer for cheaper is good it may not be worthwhile since those hardware paints kinda arent the greatest paints u could try krylon but thats about it

      • yeah, i guess the pigments wouldn’t be as fine as they’re not designed for airbrushing. i can’t get alclads where i’m at, even shipping. i’m using testors metalizers and they’re working real nice with testors gloss black enamel. i just won’t be able to get chrome finishes. same thing with primers. will search if krylons have non-spray cans, might…[Read more]

        • Rust-Oleum makes gloss black in spray cans, and if I’m not mistaking, those are enamels.
          So you could either spray them directly out of the can or de-can it for spraying it through your airbrush.
          I spray a lot of aerosol spray cans mend for the automotive industry though my airbrush after de-canning them, and even the metallic ones go through the…[Read more]

          • nah, thank you for the informative replies. very much appreciated. haven’t heard of de-canning before. might try that.

            • It’s really simple, just stick a straw to the “nozzle” of the spray can using some tape and spray it in a jar. Just keep in mind that the aerosol propellant will still expand, so don’t close the lid of the jar for 24 hours or so. It might explode…
              The GostofZeon on YouTube has a tutorial on the subject

  • sablenk87 posted an update in the group Group logo of Q/A & Help GroupQ/A & Help Group 9 years, 4 months ago

    Hi Guys, i’m new here so please be patience with me
    After straight-building some gundam kits and clean-paint it, i’d like to do some shading on it
    My question is, wha to do first, apply decals then shading it or the otherwise around
    For RG decals (or stickers) specially

    • Pre shading is easier than post shading. So basically. Primer-> base color -> shading (darker color than main color) -> main color -> … decals

  • This has probably been asked/answered before and forgive my laziness for not searching 😛 but, I want to start painting my Gunpla. I am not a novice when it comes to model building or painting in general, I just have not done it in a VERY long time. Like 7 years or so.

    Anyways, what brand/type of paints do most people go with or recommend? I…[Read more]

    • Personally, I am an advocate of Vallejo paints (sold by HLJ).

      Since you have experience with acrylic paints, I would suggest Vallejo, Tamiya acrylics, or even Citadel. They key is thinning your paints. What paints you use all depends on what you have available locally. I will say that one advantage Tamiya has is that you can paint in matching…[Read more]

    • Well, most people use acrylics, Tamiya or Mr.Hobby. And then there are some that use enamels, for either painting the entire kit or for detailing and panel washes.
      I use acrylics, lacquers and enamels (mostly for panel washes and detailing), it depends on the job at hand.
      You could use a combination of all of them, just know what to put on top of…[Read more]

    • Awesome! Thanks for the help!

  • Meijin the 5th posted an update in the group Group logo of Q/A & Help GroupQ/A & Help Group 9 years, 5 months ago

    How do u kit bash a HG kit with a RG kit

    • It’s not the easiest process. Basically you need to modify HG parts so that they fit into the RG frame, though that requires a lot of cutting and Gluing. The main tricky part is making sure that they move in the same ways as the RG did so that they don’t hit each other, which is hard because HGs are usually more chunky than RGs.

  • Merc posted an update in the group Group logo of Q/A & Help GroupQ/A & Help Group 9 years, 5 months ago

    Hello everyone, I have a quick question that I’m hoping can be answered. I’ve just purchased some tamiya enamel paints and was wondering what a good cheap thinner would be. The tamiya branded enamel thinner is sorta expensive for the size of the containers so can I use anything else for my airbrush?

    • tamiya enamel paints are generally not used for airbrushing theyre usually used for panel line wash u can use him but enamels take FOREVER to dry (some brands may take even up to 2 weeks to dry) if u really wanna do it with enamels use lighter fluid or something of that content it should work

      • Thanks for the reply! I live in a zero humidity high heat area so drying time shouldn’t be that bad. I’ve used Testors enamel before but i don’t really like the colors. I’ve heard I might be able to use alchohol or mineral spirits too but I’m not positive

        • Hello Merc.
          You shouldn’t use alcohol for enamels. This works great for the Tamiya acrylics though.
          Lighter fluid or mineral spirits will work fine for thinning enamels.
          The more thin the paint is, the quicker it actually dries. So for enamels to dry rather quick, use multiple thin coats.
          Even though you live in a zero humidity high heat area…[Read more]

        • My worst case of enamel paint curing took around 40 days (at least after those days it wasnt tacky anymore). And it was all because i was to lazy to go to store and get red acrylic paint, and noticed i had the right red in enamel….

    • this makes a lot of sense when i used testors enamel it took forever to not be *sticky* when handling

  • Meijin the 5th posted an update in the group Group logo of Q/A & Help GroupQ/A & Help Group 9 years, 5 months ago

    does anybody here know how to make a pearl finish?

    • There are actually three ways do achieve this;

      1- This is a rather obvious way, getting your hands on a pearl paint.

      2- Get some pearl powder and mix it with the paint.

      3- get some pearl powder and mix it with a gloss clear coat.

      There are a few places that sell pearl powder and in different shades, I use the normal one which looks white but…[Read more]

      • which of those 3 method produces the best result?


        • A pearl paint and mixing pearl powder into the paint works best for me. The lather depends on which pearl powder you use.
          The method of mixing pearl powder to a gloss clear coat is more or less a last resort option.
          I hope this answers your question.
          Good luck and happy building

  • Mu5a5hi posted an update in the group Group logo of Q/A & Help GroupQ/A & Help Group 9 years, 5 months ago

    So I am completely confused by the structure of groups here. (I haven’t posted much) they seem sort of like run-on sentences.. maybe its just me.

    Anyhow. I have 2 questions:

    1. How does anyone figure out what they are reading?

    2. The REAL question:

    I am looking on HLJ.COM for 2 items to show up.. in this case Macross the First Manga #6, and…[Read more]

    • As far as I know there isn’t any way to get notified if something comes back in stock you just have to check it every once in a while. at least that’s what I’ve been doing for the last couple of years xd

    • 1; Learn your ABC’s and maybe a translator or dictionary…? 😛

      2; If there is anything that has caught your fancy on HLJ, don’t wait for it to come in stock, just order it. You’ll only be charged when the product comes in stock. There is a possibility that more people have placed an order on a product and when it comes in stock, it’ll be…[Read more]

      • Oh i wasn’t talking about how anyone writes.. I mean the way the boards are structured is confusing to me. Groups instead of ‘posts’ .. I’m still getting used to the SOFTWARE used here.

        • Wasn’t my intention to be mean to you, just felt like being a smart @ss.
          And to be honest, it took me a while to get used to writing of some people.
          About the site, once you get the hang of it, it will become more and more clear how it works. It was designed to be a bit like Facebook.

          But seriously, if you are interested in a product which is in…[Read more]

          • On the internet no one can hear your tone. (mine either!)
            I am having issues with getting the hang of the message board structure here. I’m much more used to the ‘phpbb’ , or bulletin board’ system. this seems harder to navigate. I’ll probably get used to it.

            I’m trying to figure out a way to get a notice when an item that is NOT up for sale…[Read more]

            • Yeah, that’s a tough one… Can’t think of a way either. Maybe a mail to HLJ. I think that in about one and a half hour the workday begins in Japan, as it’s almost midnight over here and there is a time difference of seven hours between here and Japan, so I’m sure you get a answer very soon.

              Ps, I know, that’s why I put a emoticon at the end of…[Read more]

    • The boards are set up so that you can share and view content specifically relayed to one subject, like “What are you building” for WIPs.
      If you don’t want to go searching through groups you can use the “activity” feed to see every post around Hobbylink.tv.
      Hope that helps a bit.

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