A seedy new Zaku has arrived and is ready for a closer look! From the infamous Gundam Seed series Bandai has released the Gunner Zaku Warrior (in Lunamaria Hawke use colors) as a newly tooled 1/100 scale Master Grade kit!
In this episode:
– 1/100 MG Gunner Zaku Warrior (Lunamaria Hawke Use)
Woo, an official review of this awesome kit! I love this Zaku design, and Lunamaria’s one of my favourite characters from the Seed series! I got the original 1/100 HG kit as soon as it came out oh so many years ago, should I get this one too? Hmm…. decisions decisions…. 😛
Chad Zaku
I’m not really a fan of anything related to Seed, but this Zaku doesn’t look half bad.
Ole Hunter
Yay. I was waiting for this review.
Thank you always.
This is a nice Zaku and the Orthos beam cannon just looks awesome.
I take it from the frame name that Rey’s ZAKU Blaze Phantom is coming. ‘SEED’ and ‘SEED Destiny’ don’t have so many grunt suits that stood out. Mostly because all the more decorated pilots ended up in gundam.
looking forward to building this
Ahmed Yassin
Looks like a beast I say !!
Mild Sauce
kinda wish it was green and bigger compare to a zaku
Still I don’t understand why Lunamaria has so low accuracy.
We need more Zaku warriors
Pierre Singh
This might be my first MG…or should I wait for the other versions? Hmmm.
I don’t know why, but I haven’t liked one single Zaku in my whole life. Maybe it’s the face, or the bulkiness, but I don’t like their designs.
I’m doubtful, but any chance you can do a comparison video with the old 1/100 in the future?
That thing is pretty coo looking.
Duo Waltfeld
I’m probably one of the few people who actually really enjoyed SEED, shame I don’t have so many kits. This looks pretty amazing though, and I think we really need more memorable female mech pilots, blokes are always so one-dimensional!
I will give that Seed Destiny did do a nice job on redesigning the suit from the 0079 series.