
  • Lucky 7 posted an update in the group Group logo of CUSTOM GUNPLA!CUSTOM GUNPLA! 8 years, 7 months ago

    hi, still kinda new with customizing. this is Rising 0 Gundam (my ver. hehe kinda) based on gn-000 0 Gundam. So far, the only custom parts i did a bit are the head (extra v-fin), the torso (front side, along the side of the GN u’ll see some spike) and the shoulder armor. Other than that, i’m planning on using 00 Gundam arms and legs and thinking on customizing these parts too. still W.I.P, any good idea for me to add on too complete this kits? 🙂
    P.s still thinking what kind of backpack should be good for this kit and how to customize those legs and arms. T_T