
  • masterDS64 posted an update in the group Group logo of Q/A & Help GroupQ/A & Help Group 9 years, 1 month ago

    Hello, got another question, this time…TITANIUM FINISH!

    No, its not touching up a kit with it, but im after the look…on a hg unicorn unicorn mode (so my hg banshee unicorn mode titanium finish doesn’t stand alone you see).

    Now I heard of doing base coats of silver and clear…but is there a clear white, never seen such a thing , so would using say…tamiya pearl white be a close match or would I be better off going straight white and then gloss coating it?

    • as far as I know clear white doesn’t exist. Tamiya pearl white I have used and it’s very translucent. In other words you’re gonna need multiple coats for it to look white, in my experience about 3 coats is pretty good, as for a titanium finish. Also it’s very sparkly, when it’s still wet if you get it into the sunlight it’s really something impressive to look at, when it’s dry you lose some of that but it’s still really nice. Just gloss coating over white isn’t considered a titanium finish but then again you won’t really get a titanium finish using the pearl white either. As for which will get you the better result, well I think the gloss over the white is closer to a titanium look, but the pearl white is more impressive to me atleast if it’s done well.

    • Are you airbrushing or rattlecanning?

      • Rattlecanning…I can’t hand paint well either due to rubbish brush strokes so that rules that out (but if you know anyway other than air brush id like to hear any and all methods, effective or not!)

        • I use an irbrush so can’t offer any advice then, sorry.
          IF you had access to an airbrush, the perfect finish would be alclad holomatic spectral chrome-

          • I was about to say maybe i could hand paint using that but…it says not too :c

            I heard alot about the alclad range, well, its not that i don’t have access to an airbrush (yet) but the space involved is my problem (only place i could use it houses 2 cars and air brushing outside aint wise XD)…

            But thank you anyway, ill bookmark that incase things change!

            • nope, alclads are airbrush only. airbrushing outside is fine as long as you are sheltered from the wind. I airbrush outside under a sheltered lean-to.