
  • scid posted an update in the group Group logo of Completed Gunpla/ModelsCompleted Gunpla/Models 9 years, 3 months ago

    My first finished model in 2014..the AMX-002 Neue Ziel in scale..I wish they make this in 1/144 scale than it would be as big as the Dendrobium.

    • I built this kit in 2013 and was very pleased with it. I think this mobile armor was much larger than the Dendrobium which would make its 1/144 version HUGE! I may be wrong about that but either way it would be a huge model in 1/144 scale.

      • yeah..this kit has alot of detail for and HG kit..Plus if bandai would do it in 144 scale it would be bigger than the dendrobium

    • In terms of length, the Orchis is actually longer, until you remove the beam cannon(140m with, 73 without). Height wise, the Neue Ziel is bigger, with the orchis being only 38m, and the Neue Ziel being over 76. The Neue ziel is also Wider then the Orchis is without the beam cannon(over 73, in width), the orchis is only 62m in width. Over all the Neue Ziel would be MUCH taller, and woudl be a wider kit, but the Orchis still takes up more room then the Neuel Ziel because of it’s length, and the fact that the kit is wide all the way around, where as the Neue Ziel can at least rise above other stuff before widening out.

      But I really do wish there was a 1/144th kit for the Neue Ziel, so that I could have a reason to find a resin cast kit of Gato, and proudly display them together as tribute.