
  • erwinphillippe posted an update in the group Group logo of Q/A & Help GroupQ/A & Help Group 9 years, 2 months ago

    Hi this is my first time spray painting pieces with a Tamiya Spray Paint. Does the use of a primer make a huge difference in terms of saving the amount of paint used?

    And I had grainy yellow paint despite shaking and putting it in warm water. My other colors went well on the pieces. Is this because I chanced upon an old stock? If so, how to remedy the grainy paint? I ought to add a layer but then I was advised to strip off the grainy ones first, so how do I strip paint off a piece?

    Thank you! 🙂

    • i have not found that a primer coat saves me a noticeable amount of paint, however, depending on the colors that you are painting over or to ie painting over a red with a white, or painting a part silver. a primer makes a huge difference. i find that a black primer under a silver, gold, or mica red makes the final color look amazing

      as for grainy paint, the only time i have experienced this was towards the end of the can, or when the humidity was too high. were either of these a factor?

      as for stripping the paint i soak mine either some simple alcohol from the pharmacy. it is cheap and works just as good as the tamiya thinner.

      • so sometimes not using it would be acceptable if i’ll be painting a dark color over a ligher one? i read about the black primer for a metallic finish, want to see it for myself. 🙂

        well i asked others and they told me it was because of the paint being an old stock. but yeah i noticed it blows paint pretty poorly when its almost empty. nope, i sprayed on a pretty sunny afternoon. 😉

        oh ok, but it won’t destroy the plastic or damage it, right? or am i better off with sanding it? thanks for the advice. 😀

    • Not so much saving paint as improving the quality of the finish, and giving your paint something to stick to (unless you are painting by hand), although if you are worried about paint in general sticking to the plastic, just give it a wash in luke warm soapy water.