
  • Frozen Stratos posted an update in the group Group logo of Beginner Modeler – Modeling Competition 2013.Beginner Modeler – Modeling Competition 2013. 9 years, 4 months ago

    hey guys, Ill give you a taste of what I have done to my kit. after I upload my contest pics Ill show u the rest of it. So instead of my original plan to just do a straight top notch build, I decided that it would be nice to do what im good at; breaking things =D. I can’t tell you how many toys and figures ive broken over the years, durring the contest I had to buy a whole new 00 just because I broke a few too many pieces. This experience left me with not only a new 00 kit but also a lot of extra parts at my disposal so I could play around with the original kit. I’m quite proud of how the head turned out, originally I had lot the chin so instead of taking it from the new kit I bought I just left it damaged. in terms of dirty looking parts I used gray gundam marker and a shiny turquoise marker 1 to add in some scratched up dirty textures and 2 to show possibly gn fluids leaking out of the kit. the details I loved the most were the bullet holes, for all the scratches and tears I used an exacto knife and hobby nippers. I wont be showing the accessories just yet because Im saving that for later but what I can show you are the extra parts I used for battle damage. I took some ques from the battle scarred gundam toyline and came up with these extra attachments for extra posing options. hope you like it ^^