
  • futabaaoi posted an update in the group Group logo of Q/A & Help GroupQ/A & Help Group 9 years, 5 months ago

    Had another break on my hgac wing gundam But I’m not sure if I can even save it. Is it too bad to fix?

    • You either need to be more careful, lay off the paint thinner (looks like you added paint, dunno what you use but some paints can affect plastic) or stop playing with it so much…

      You can glue it, I guess, don’t expect to be able to do much with it

    • the piece first broke when I made error in judgement on the size of the original hole. trying to mount it so it could dry. I did glue it back together but did realize I glued it crooked. =_= it was so slight I could not see it. Until I tried to fit the piece in again and then I ended up in the current position I am in now. I used testors enamel and model master acryl paints if you are wondering.