
  • masterDS64 posted an update in the group Group logo of Q/A & Help GroupQ/A & Help Group 9 years, 2 months ago

    Hi, future question for painting…

    So while I normally go Out of box build for my kits, the stickers on my hg kyshatriya…kinda suck and the longevity is questionable, so I’m thinking of going back with the thinest brush and doing those details by hand.

    But the only reason the stickers suck is because my hands are not steady, so…can I grab a tissue or some special cloth to wipe away the paint while it’s wet (if anything special needs to be done do let me know, I know a tissue is bad as doing the same to my nu gundam ver ka while under a gloss finish now looks like hair is growing on it…)

    …or would a white gundam marker do the job, I can take that off easily enough (I got rubbing alchol for mistakes that I missed after it has dried!)

    • It’s simple, just use the appropriate thinner for the type of paint you’re using. For instance if it’s acrylic you can use any brand of acrylic thinner or even domestic use alcohol.
      Gundam markers could be fine but don’t use them directly. Pump the tip to let the paint go out then apply it with a brush. But brush painting has a very long technique to have good results. You should thin the paint a lot (with alcohol if it’s from Gundam markers) and make even and light strokes. At first the paint will look too thin so you’ll have to make several coats, building gradually you’re color until the result is good. Don’t worry if you make any mistakes, just clean them with a cotton stick dipped into alcohol, or pass over them with a black Gundam marker or any thin tip black marker.

      • Oh thank you…im not good with judgement with such things but Ill just grab me a cheap “test subject” and give these a go, cheers!