
  • GunplaGamer posted an update in the group Group logo of Q/A & Help GroupQ/A & Help Group 9 years, 4 months ago

    I ordered a bunch of stuff for christmas from HLJ but had to wait for MG Sazabi to come in!

    BUT the story does not stop there! I put in a shipment request as soon as I paid for Sazabi and it went into my Private Warehouse since most of these are Christmas presents, especially the Sazabi. I did not receive a payment request just a Shipping Confirmation email. There was no link in the shipping email to pay for the shipment. So I waited and HLJ does not operate on weekends so that was ok, but then on Monday I get an Overdue Payment request. I found this quite odd as I never got a payment request. I checked my spam on all my devices and inboxes and nothing. I paid right away and got the shipment notification Tuesday Night, saying the package will arrive on Monday the 23rd.

    I was very relieved when I saw that. I then got a notice saying it was returned to HLJ at the request of HLJ last night around 10:30pm / 10:30am Japan Time. (found this out by calling FedEx directly and giving them the tracking number this morning) As soon as I saw that email I sent an email to HLJ asking why this happened and for them to explain it to me. The address was correct and I paid the shipping cost. The only thing i can think of is that they have forgotten something or got the order wrong. I also requested they send the package either two day or overnight at their expense since this is a HUGE inconvenience for me and family as I sent it to my parents house since I will be there for the Holidays and it is a lot easier to ship it there then to carry Sazabi and all the rest there myself xD. if they could not do that I requested them to send me the package via regular FedEx and refund me my shipping cost as Store credit. I just won’t be there when the package arrives since I will be leaving there early on the 26th to go back home.

    I am posting this to tell you guys of my predicament and also to see if this has happened to anyone before. This being HLJ shipping something and then requesting it to be returned before it even leaves Japan. They shipped it out that morning and in the afternoon they requested it to be returned to HLJ.

    I am just mostly upset because I am not going to be able to see the faces of my brother and my sister when they open there presents in person :’( :’( :’( :’( :’(

    • Never happened to me before, I spend HOURS entering my address details thanks to issues I had with ebay in the past (who’d get confused over a 0 in front of a single digit…they thought I wrote 70 backwards, what in the heck :S) and never gone wrong since…

      But I also don’t use fed ex and often send angry emails to my local postal service, drivers signing off goods and dumping them on my doorstep (we dont check the front door as we use the side so I had a Full armor 7th gundam on my doorstep for 3 days!), them not knocking or leaving notices of retrieval…

      Best advice although it won’t help now is to maybe of tried this sooner, or (since Im aware when sazabi came out) if you have used hlj before it gives you an idea of how well the service is…

      Order small, once confident, do what I do and spent hundreds of junk you like XD

      Still, keep talking to hlj, I wish I could offer more help but the cost of fed ex scares me away :c

      • Yeah, the thing is I love the tracking updates via FedEx and I have been using HLJ for years with FedEx. Even before the addition of the private Warehouse. This is the one time that it had to happen and during christmas -.- FedEx will not leave the package if there is no one to sign for it unless you sign for it before hand on there website. If this was EMS i would not have known it was sent back to HLJ and probably get it next month sometime. I like to know where my packages I buy at all times no matter how cheap or expensive they are. 🙂 But thanks for the reply 😀

    • I got my stuff on christmas eve! everyone loved their presents. HLJ also refunded me my shipment cost 🙂