
  • almaz90046 posted an update in the group Group logo of Q/A & Help GroupQ/A & Help Group 9 years, 4 months ago

    • Nice foot…whats the problem?

      • As you can see the left panel is stiking out and i have tryed everything but it wont stay flush agenst the A part

        • I just saw a few reviews from japanese reviewers, some of them have similar issues…

          I can’t think of a solution, for me I’d take the whole thing apart and study it and look for any nubs, if that fails I’d give it applied force until it fits…

          Or you could glue it down maybe, I haven’t any real answers sorry :c

    • Are those nubs on the inside of the left side armour piece (the 2 things around the middle and then lower part of the long gap going down before it turns inwards)? If so they could be stopping the piece from going into place.

      • I can post a picture of what parts I mean if I failed at explaining…

        • no thats actually part of the silver under armor frame but the feet piss me off soo much they should have gone the way of inanju and used the round joints cus the policaps get just a bit of forve and they split like hell and the transformations is a pain in the ass

          • I was thinking that polycaps might have not ended well with the sheer size of the kit.
            You can always go through the long process of disassembling and reassembling that part of that leg until you have it all working as it should.

            Seeing as I haven’t bought this kit yet (my wallet doesn’t allow me to around Christmas) I can’t really add any help other than what I have already :(.

            • Well sa far as the gap turns out that thier were some nubs that i missed that were undergated but i tryed to do the transformation yesterday it took me like an hour to transform and even the the legs kept spliting apart and the sheild was a bit too much and the hands have a had time staying in their polycap is way to short