
  • GAML posted an update in the group Group logo of Q/A & Help GroupQ/A & Help Group 9 years, 3 months ago

    Started to work with Milliput putty for the first time on some Gundam pieces. Finding out that after letting it sit for several hours since earlier it doesn’t seem to be adhering to the plastic. Could almost pop it out like a mold. I did try roughing up the surface pretty good before adding the putty with the idea of providing some gripping area, but no good it seems. Advice?

    • did u clean the surface?

      • The parts got a good wash to remove any of the mold release residue that may have been on them. I popped the milliput out this morning since it wasn’t holding. Should I have used something on the surface before hand, plastic cement or something?

        • I quite often get a knife and cross hatch score Marks into the surface of pieces I putty onto. This gives something extra for it to bind onto, and less chance of shearing from the surface.
          As mpb457 says the piece needs to be clean, even greasy fingerprints will Will create a binding barrier, so maybe was the parts again just before using the Milliputt.
          Hope that helps bud-E.

          • I’ll give it another bash to see lads. Looking at the Milliput pieces I can see the rough surface that I scored into it so maybe will rough it up a bit more and clean it again. I have a feeling this one may pop out of place on me too: If I can’t get it to work maybe I’ll start reinforcing with pla plate instead. Cheers lads.