
  • Night Runner posted an update in the group Group logo of Gunpla TVGunpla TV 9 years, 3 months ago

    A question for Sid &/or Ryan.

    When the time comes to submit the final entries for the model competition, do we submit our details and photos in the same competition group (beginner, intermediate, advanced grps), that is do we just submit a final post?

    Or will you be opening up a new group or online gallery were we submit the info and photos?

    I ask because being a first grade ignoramus when it comes to all things online I did not quite understand what ‘submission form on’ exactly means or how to go about it after reading the general rules.

    I apologize beforehand if this turns out to be a stupid and obvious question! Please be patient and long suffering with this technologically challenged and internet deficient modeler!

    Yours ever truly,
