
  • johann cleveland posted an update in the group Group logo of Q/A & Help GroupQ/A & Help Group 9 years, 9 months ago

    hi guys i am looking into a airbrush for my hobbys for models and custom making .i hate how using spraycans can somtimes ruin detail work so any tips on what i should be looking for and my hurt to my wallet.

    • Probably around $60-$80 for the airbrush itself, maybe around $100 or more for a compressor. Then there’s random stuff like the hose to connect the two, a pressure regulator (if the compressor doesn’t come with one), respirator and spray booth if you’re spraying inside, etc…
      There are propellant cans you can use instead of a compressor, but I don’t recommend it. They’re not very reliable in my experience, and you pay something like $8 for a can, so it adds up pretty quickly.
      You can potentially save some money by buying a utility compressor rather than one that’s specifically made for airbrushing – these will be louder, though. If you go this route you need to make sure it’s an “oil-less” compressor or you’ll wind up with oil in your air supply.
      Moisture tends to be a problem with compressors, since they take air out of their surroundings and compress it, they will draw in water vapor as well. This can build up in your air line and make its way to your airbrush, causing splattering or just poor paint adhesion. There are devices called “moisture traps” that you can put on the air line that are supposed to help. Personally I’ve never been too sure that they were really useful… But it’s a hard thing to judge.

    • It’s a costly investment when you look at it from what you have to pay in one go. But it’s going to save you a lot money on long runs. And give you that custom look you want with endless paint mixtures for that badass oomph Gunpla deserves. Just be careful what kind of paint diluent you buy. Happy painting. 🙂