
  • Will posted an update in the group Group logo of Low budget gunpla collectorsLow budget gunpla collectors 9 years, 5 months ago

    Oh hi there I guess. I think I can answer some worries Gianpla has regarding to this hobby here in the Philippines.
    1. It’s so expensive
    ans: It is a bit expensive for you. Because you still are not at that age with a job. I have a job and it’s still expensive for me. The key here is to budget every month. You want that kit but it’s 3000 pesos. Good thing it will be released 3 months from now. Well you have to budget it for three months at 1000 a month. I know it sounds daunting but when you see your allocated money for it grow you’ll feel great.

    2. I have no credit card.
    No worries. There are retailers here. Don’t go to big stores though as they will gut you. Toys R’ Us had a sale for Sengokuden series though at 225 pesos but it’s likely a clearance sale and I think they’ve disposed all of them now. There are local retailers that can sell you at almost Japan price. I am still awaiting for the HG Amatsu and I paid 850 pesos for it. Special pre-order price. It’s going for 1200 – 1500 now. You can find them on the internet. I’m still building a guide for it so hang on tight. There is also a retailer that charges 80% from HLJ but considering the taxes, it’s a deal. You could see my dealings with the Bureau of Customs here:
    So find local retailers.
    Alt answer: You could get a group of friends and order from HLJ so you could share the burden of the 600 pesos fee.

    3. Gunplas are going away.

    Maybe the models right now would. But it’ll be re-released with updated ones. There is still a lot of interest here in the islands. In fact there is a caravan done last month that gave away AG models for free. Do not worry as Bandai will always be there and if they aren’t some other model companies will be there but most likely Bandai will outlive you. Not me though, I’m planning to be immortal.

    Eat your lunch kid.

    • im now eating my lunch,and also thanks for answering my worries :).See the descriptions? now i changed it because i am now eating lunch