
  • lokesc posted an update 9 years, 7 months ago

    I would like to take this oppotunity to show my earlier 2 Gundams which I’ve completed – MG EX-S Gundam & MG Sinanju. I’ve started modelling Gundam right from MG level which was not so advisable as the learning curve for me was really steep.

    Sinanju was my 1st ever Gundam which I’d built but unfortunately I left a great deal of bad nubs on this kit. However, I did spray painted it in red and it does look kindda nice. The seals were painstakingly hand painted. In the end, I really enjoy doing this kit.

    EX-S Gundam was the biggest model kit I’ve ever did thus far and quite complicated. It was my 2nd project after Sinanju. I’ve watched and studied countless reviews and techniques others have tried and devise my little own methods in approaching my kit building. Hopefully, I gain more experience as I go along.