
  • johann cleveland posted an update in the group Group logo of The HMM Zoids The HMM Zoids 9 years, 7 months ago

    man this looks awasome cant wait for my liger zero. ps whos going to try the goujulus.

    • I am one that would love to get a hand on a Gojulas. But right now I am using it as a reward for working on a goal of passing my next PT test for work. So if i test good then I make the ordr that day, just hope there isn’t a stop order when I test out. Well good luck to you if ya get one, laters

      • You do know they’re only planning one run of the kit, right? I have mine preordered, even if i don’t get around to it for a few years, i dread waiting for it to become available again.

        • im planing to preorder to but mostly when i see about my christmas shoping .and wont ship for 2 months after pruchase XD

        • Yeah i do know that it will be a one run, but if I don’t achieve what I need to do on my test. Then no reward for me, so it will pain to see it fade out of my fingers but right now all i can do is hope for the best