
  • Ronin posted an update in the group Group logo of Intermediate Modeler – Modeling Competition 2013Intermediate Modeler – Modeling Competition 2013 9 years, 7 months ago

    With the paint safely dry, i started brushing on a few coats of clear red on the silver coated parts. I used a solution of 2 parts clear paint to 1 part lamp oil (couldnt find a lighter fluid but its practically the same) and achieved a water consistency. The solution washed over the armor plates very easily and dried moderately fast. i’m able to brush in even coats every 3 minutes or so. Took about 4-5 coats before stopping.

    I’m very happy at how it turned out. It has that titanium finish feel although slightly less vibrant. The brush strokes virtually unnoticeable if not at all.

    What do you guys thinks?

    • Silly me, I looked at the photos before reading the comment and assumed you’d airbrushed it. Good job with the hand-painting. Personally I would say it could still use some more coats of the clear red (looking a little pale) and the black lining is a bit harsh, little bit erratic.. How are you doing the lining?

      • Yeah the panel scribing i did was a bit too deep and un guided. I should have taken the time to tape-guide it. I could try a few more coats tomorrow for sure. I noticed too that the black panel lines got washed out by the lighter fluid so ill just add that between the last coatings.