
  • sam kim aka gunpla lover posted an update in the group Group logo of Gunpla TVGunpla TV 9 years, 8 months ago

    What’s your favorite PG kit?What’s your favorite RG kit?Just askin

    • i love the PG strike freedom, it´s sort of like a dream kit for myself, because buying one and shipping it to my country would cost me like 1k dollars so no go T.T.

      my Favourite RG is the Mk II titans, but the GP01 looks awesome too.

    • So far, it’s the PG strike, but that might change when I got the PG GP01. RG, i haven’t build one yet.

    • My favourite PG is the Red Frame… it’s my first PG and I love the Red Frame! As for the RG, definitely the Destiny Gundam cos I’m a sucker for Gundams with wings…

      • I think PG red frame has similar inner frame as the PG Strike which makes it less interesting for me, but it looks awesome with that sword. Still one of the PG I’d like to build one day.

    • I live in Uruguay, customs and taxes here are off the chart. if i order ANY PG, i have to pay a customs dispatcher to do all the paperwork (more than 50 bucks), pay the paperwork ITSELF! (another 100 bucks), and pay 60% taxes of all of the above ! it´s freaking insane.

      we can spend 200 bucks (that´s including the shpping costs) 5 times a year without having to pay taxes.