
  • johann cleveland posted an update in the group Group logo of What are you building?What are you building? 9 years, 10 months ago

    just wanted to show an orignal concept peguisis ship called the Andromega it is the combine product of ahgama and the andromeda

    • Would like to see where this going, i assuming using EX model ?

      • nope not ex bandais very old school kits its big as my hand man.and i am goign to buy magnets for the turrents to be possible also i need to add more weapons.

    • Say, that is very nice! Cool design. How are you thinking of painting it?

      • eather my colors and red.but do u now a good balck i can put details in .also if u have a color scheme advice u can give some man.

        • Not sure what you mean about a good black, but I’m pretty dull when it comes to big ships…I like ’em off-white or gray…and dirty! My advice? Paint how you like it!