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1/400 Evangelion The 13th Angel Evolution Ver. by Kotobukiya (Part 1: Unbox)

1/400 Evangelion The 13th Angel Evolution Ver. by Kotobukiya Available From HobbyLink Japan

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Evangelion The 13th is ready to come home in its Angel Evolution Version. Let’s see what’s in the box, with a special eye on the effect parts!

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Great angry/angelic cover art. Notice the white coloring, with a tinge of purple that may or may not be appearing in the plastic.

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The box is bigger than a regular MG. The price is 9800 JPY, but as usual you can get 20% off at HLJ.com.

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A necessary base, lots of hands, and spears make up the option parts. The mouth can open when angered. And why not go for the 4-arm option?

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Fully decked out, it looks pretty wild.

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When you crack open the box, you’ll see a whole bunch of plates, mostly in white, but there is a bit of color mixed in to it.

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The cover of the manual keeps with the same style we’ve seen before.

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The building process doesn’t seem too complicated, with lots of black real estate on the pages.

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Nice color splash and color guide at the end of the manual.

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Plates shown in alphabetical order. The ‘white’ parts actually have a tinge of pink color mixed in.

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Bagged eyes and parts for the head.

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The effect part is looking suitably massive. It fills the box when it’s inside, and this is a big MG-sized box!

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Some final thoughts. This is the 5th kit from Kotobukiya’s Evangelion line. The previous ones were quite good in terms of mobility, color and sculpture, so I’m optimistically hoping for more of the same from this kit, too. I’m glad the parts aren’t totally white, and instead have a little bit of color mixed in.  But as you can see from the box shot photos, when fully equipped, it’s huge. But massive effect parts can also sometimes cause massive issues in terms of stability, etc. So stick around to see how it looks when it’s all put together in part 2!  Thanks for checking this out, everyone.

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You can (not) evolve.

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